Thursday, August 1, 2013

JUST SOLD!! 3BR/3BA home in Young Harris, GA

This gorgeous home in a sweet, little neighborhood in Young Harris, GA closed July 30, 2013 for $165,000!!! It was a cash sale and a quick closing. WHAT A DEAL!!! Watch the video if you want to see all the features for this price!
IT IS STILL THE BEST TIME TO BUY!!! Prices on the rise is about national averages which are FORECLOSURES - this means the typical seller has A PRICE JUST AS GOOD AS FORECLOSURES! ONLY BETTER because this is a General Warranty Deed not a deed under power or limited warranty deed! And you get a property disclosure (accountability and clear information) from a seller, not a bank - because the bank has never even been to the house! This home was not being used by the parents or the children so they were ready to let it go.
If you're thinking of buying in the North Georgia Mountains or SW North Carolina - give me a call - I will find you a deal.
If you're already here and thinking of leaving - no one will market your home better than I will! Give me a call for a no obligation interview!